EGT at ICE 2015 – an event like no other
Dec 16, 2014

ICE 2015 will be a show of highest-end ever for Euro Games Technology. The booth S3-130 of the company will spread across the vast 762 sq. m, having an identity of stunning design, second floor hospitality area, and the largest number of EGT’s premiers. The whole exposition will convey the strongest value of its creator: to develop 360-degree solutions for different aspects of the casino industry, meeting the most exacting standards.
A “platinum” line-up of products will be shown to prove this deem: slot-cabinets of Premier series, three of them making their debut at the exhibition; a completely new jackpot system; shown for first time fun-filled multigame mixes; technologically advanced multiplayer solutions revealed by diverse configurations of STORK terminals with bingo, live, and automated roulette wheels together with many more surprises from this division of EGT, and a multitude of online games with excessive range of new titles for playing on the go.
“I’m thrilled to share that for EGT the ICE 2015 is expected to be a show like no other. We will welcome the visitors with an overwhelming variety of new developments from all of our product divisions – slot machines, multiplayer solutions and interactive games. There will be not only renewals, but completely new series and types of products, backed up with state-of-the-art improvements in hardware, software, and design. We will not be modest. We can’t be. EGT is growing faster than ever as market coverage, know-how, portfolio, business potential, and manufacturing capacity. We aim for the best and I’m confident that our display during ICE 2015 will be considered as a must-see presentation from the visitors.” – said Mr. Stanislav Stanev, Sales and Marketing Director of EGT.