Euro Games Technology wins the prize of the audience
Nov 25, 2014

The manufacturer of casino equipment Euro Games Technology won the prize of the audience in the third edition of the business competition “Best Bulgarian Company”. Organized by First Investment Bank it includes several categories and aims at honoring the most successful and fast-growing companies in the country that operate with entirely Bulgarian capital and managers. This year the number of rivals was doubled. All of the 220 firms took part also in the contest for the prestigious title “Company of the audience”, awarded to Euro Games Technology for the highest votes achieved. EGT surpassed the second competitor for the prize with more than 16% score difference.
The reward – a “Bulgarian Rose” specially made silver coin, partially gilded, is cut in the New Zealand coinage. It was handed to Mr. Vladimir Dokov, the General Manager of EGT, during the official final ceremony of the competition on 19th November in the City Art Gallery in Sofia.
„The competition “Best Bulgarian Company” of First Investment Bank is becoming a good tradition and an awaited event among the Bulgarian business society. There were many and worthy competitors for the prize this year and I’m especially proud that I’m holding precisely the audience award plaquette. Euro Games Technology has already established itself as a stable and fast-growing company in the country and abroad. Apart from the financial parameters an invaluable barometer for our work is the audience’s appraisal. EGT is in the gaming industry and this appraisal is especially important for us,” shared Mr. Dokov after the ceremony.